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- : It's Code For Declaring A DOCTYPE In HTML5
- <a hreflang=""> HTML Attribute
- <a name=""> HTML Attribute
<a onClick=""> - <a onMouseOver="">
- <abbr title=""> HTML Attribute
- <acronym> HTML Tag
- <address> HTML Tag
- <app> HTML Tag
- <applet align=""> HTML Attribute
- <applet archive=""> HTML Attribute
- <applet border=""> HTML Attribute
- <applet code=""> HTML Attribute
- <applet codebase="""> HTML Attribute
- <applet height=""> HTML Attribute
- <applet hspace=""> HTML Attribute
- <applet mayscript=""> HTML Attribute
- <applet name=""> HTML Attribute
- <applet vspace=""> HTML Attribute
- <applet width=""> HTML Attribute
- <applet> HTML Tag
- <area alt=""> HTML Attribute
<area coords="[values]"> - <area href=""> HTML Attribute
- <area nohref> HTML Attribute
- <area target=""> HTML Attribute
- <area title=""> HTML Attribute
- <area> HTML Tag
- <audio controls> HTML Attribute
- <audio loop> HTML Attribute
- <audio muted> HTML Attribute
- <audio preload=""> HTML Attribute
- <audio src=""> HTML Attribute
- <base href=""> HTML Attribute
- <base target=""> HTML Attribute
- <base> HTML Tag
- <basefont color=""> HTML Attribute
- <basefont face=""> HTML Attribute
- <basefont size=""> HTML Attribute
- <basefont> HTML Tag
- <bdi> HTML Tag
- <bdo> HTML Tag
- <bgsound loop=""> HTML Attribute
- <bgsound src=""> HTML Attribute
- <bgsound> HTML Tag
- <big> HTML Tag
- <blockquote> HTML Tag
- <body bgcolor="">
- <body bgproperties="">
- <body onFocus="">
- <body onLoad="">
- <body onUnload="">
- <body scroll="">
- <body stylesrc="">
- <body text="">
- <body topmargin="">
- <br clear=""">
- <button accesskey="">
- <button disabled>
- <button name="">
- <button onClick="">
- <button tabindex="">
- <button value="">
- <canvas> HTML Tag
- <caption align="">
- <caption valign="">
- <cite> HTML Tag
- <code> HTML Tag
- <col align="">
- <col bgcolor="">
- <col span="">
- <col width="">
- <col> HTML Tag
- <colgroup align="">
- <colgroup span="">
- <colgroup width="">
- <colgroup> HTML Tag
- <comment> HTML Tag
- <dd> HTML Tag
- <del> HTML Tag
- <details> HTML Tag
- <dfn> HTML Tag
- <dialog> HTML Tag
- <dir> HTML Tag
- <div align="">
- <div> HTML Tag
- <dl compact>
- <dl> HTML Tag
- <dt> HTML Tag
- <em> HTML Tag
- <embed align="">
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- <embed name="">
- <embed playcount="">