<small> HTML Tag

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Learn How Fonts And Web Typography Work In HTML: A Beginner's Guide
What does <small> HTML Tag do?
The <small> element identifies text to display one size smaller than the surrounding text. In HTML5 the element is intended to be used to identify items of secondary importance such as copyright notices, side comments, and legal notices.

Code Example

<p>The Illustrated Man <small>(Flamingo Modern Classics) <small>Kindle Edition</small>
by</small> Ray Bradbury <small>  (Author)</small></p>

The Illustrated Man (Flamingo Modern Classics) Kindle Edition by Ray Bradbury (Author)

A CSS Alternative

The <small> element makes text one size smaller than the default text size on the page. It’s offered as an alternative to CSS styling. <small> is a rare example of a HTML element that can be nested. In other words, you can use it several times to step down the font size, as in our example.

Increasing Text Size

To return text to its default size, use </small>. To increase its size, use <big>.

Claire is seasoned technical writer, editor, and HTML enthusiast. She writes for HTML.com and runs a content agency, Red Robot Media.

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