New in HTML5.

<audio preload=""> HTML Attribute

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Attribute of
New Audio HTML Element: Master It Out Now With Our Code Example
What does <audio preload=""> HTML Attribute do?
Requests a particular preload behavior to the browser, which the browser may or may not follow.

Code Example

<h3>Flamingo Sounds</h3>

<audio controls id="audio-example" preload="auto">
  <!-- One or more source files, each referencing the same audio but in a different file format.
    The browser will choose the first file which it is able to play. -->
   <source src="/wp-content/uploads/flamingos.ogg">
   <source src="/wp-content/uploads/flamingos.mp3">

    You will see this text if native audio playback is not supported.
    <!-- You could use this fall-back feature to insert a JavaScript-based audio player. -->

<small>Audio by  <a href="">Beeld en Geluid</a> [<a href="">CC BY-SA 3.0</a>], <a href=";s_-_SoundCloud_-_Beeld_en_Geluid.ogg">via Wikimedia Commons</a></small>

#audio-example {
display: block;

Flamingo Sounds

Audio by Beeld en Geluid [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Values of the preload Attribute

Value NameNotes
noneRequests that the browser not preload the audio file. The browser is free to ignore this request.
metadataRequests that the browser download the audio file’s metadata immediately on page load. The browser is free to ignore this request.
autoRequests that the browser download the entire audio file, regardless of whether the user is expected to play it. The browser is free to ignore this request.

All Attributes of audio Element

Attribute NameValuesNotes
volume0.0–1.0Specifies the initial volume setting of the audio element, in a range from 0.0 to 1.0.
Requests a particular preload behavior to the browser, which the browser may or may not follow.
mutedSpecifies that the volume on the audio player should initially be muted.
loopSpecifies that the audio content should loop indefinitely once playback has begun.
controlsToggles the display of audio playback controls.
autoplaySpecifies that the audio playback should begin immediately on page load.
srcurlSpecifies the source file for an audio element.
Adam is a technical writer who specializes in developer documentation and tutorials.