Barbaric Data Center Downtime Costs - Exposed!
As the Internet has extended its reach into all aspects of our lives, we’re more dependent on it than ever before. As of 2012, the average U.S. consumer spends more than six hours a day online. As speeds increase, we use more data-heavy applications such as games and media streaming programs, and our reliance on connectivity looks set to grow in the future.
A few years ago, it was considered shocking if consumers racked up over seven hours of streaming video each day. Now, it seems like we will reach that milestone sooner than previously thought. In fact, with the advent of wearable technology, it can feel like we’re constantly connected since we can receive notifications 24/7.
Why data centres matter
With so much data flowing around the world, data center downtime can wreak havoc. Downtime is more than a minor irritation; it could be a potentially catastrophic event for companies and consumers.
When went dark for approximately 49 minutes in January of 2013, it cost the company an estimated $4 million or more in lost sales. Another outage in August of the same year lasted only 30 minutes, but still cost the Internet giant an estimated $66,240 in lost revenue every single minute. While your company might not lose quite as much during a data center outage, every second your site is down is potentially disastrous for you and your relationship with customers.
IT professionals are constantly working to prevent downtime, improving failover provision and moving systems to cloud technology. But there will always be threats from natural disasters, and hacking is still a risk, despite our best efforts to secure our data.
Take a look at the the true cost of data center downtime.
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