<area target=""> HTML Attribute

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Attribute of
<area> HTML Tag
What does <area target=""> HTML Attribute do?
Specifies the context in which to open the linked resource.

Code Example

<img src="/wp-content/uploads/shapes.png" usemap="shapes-map">

<map name="shapes-map">
  <area shape="rect" title="Square" coords="19,28,222,228" href="/wp-content/uploads/square.png" target="_blank" />
  <area shape="circle" title="Circle" coords="361,132,96" href="/wp-content/uploads/circle.png" target="_blank" />

The target Attribute

For more details on this attribute, see the documentation for <a target="">).

Values of the target Attribute

Value NameNotes
framenameOpens the linked resource in the named frame. Frames are deprecated in HTML5.
_topOpens the linked resource in the top-most frame. Frames are deprecated in HTML5.
_parentOpens the linked resource into the parent frame. Frames are deprecated in HTML5.
_blankOpens the linked resource in a new browser tab or (on older browser) a new window.

All Attributes of area Element

Attribute nameValuesNotes
alttextSpecifies alternative text for a clickable area in an image map.
coordsvaluesDefines the shape and size of a clickable area in an image map.
hrefurlDefines the URL of the linked document or resource.
nohrefSpecified that an area of an image map did not link to another resource.
In conjunction with the coords attribute, specifies the shape, size, and placement of a clickable area in an image map.
Specifies the context in which to open the linked resource.
titletextDefines the title text of the clickable area. The title text will appear as a tooltip in most browsers.
Adam is a technical writer who specializes in developer documentation and tutorials.

Browser Support for target
