Search Results for: embed

  • <code> HTML Tag

    The <code> element is used to define enclosed text as computer code. It is often paired with the <pre> element to preserve line breaks and indentation when presenting blocks of computer code.
  • <app> HTML Tag

    The <app> element was a predecessor of the <applet> element which was deprecated in HTML 4.01 and removed from the specification entirely in HTML5. Modern equivalents include <object> and <embed>.
  • <applet> HTML Tag

    The <applet> element was used to add Java applets to an HTML document. This element was deprecated in HTML 4.01 and removed from the HTML specification entirely with the release of HTML5. Modern equivalents inlcude <object> and <embed>.
  • How to Use <frame> Tags in Your HTML Code

    The <frame> element was used to break a single browser window into multiple independent browsing contexts. Frames have been deprecated and should not used by modern websites.
  • <applet vspace=""> HTML Attribute

    Was used to specify the amount of whitespace that should appear above and below an embedded <applet> element. Applets and the vspace attribute have been deprecated.
  • <bgsound> HTML Tag

    The <bgsound> element was used to embed a background audio track in an HTML document. It was only ever properly implemented in Internet Explorer and is no longer supported. The <audio> element can now be used to add background sounds, but audio tracks that autoplay and cannot be disabled by the user are strongly discouraged in modern web design.
  • Microformats University: 100+ Articles and Resources

    Microformats are small formatting pieces designed to make your data easier to read by both users and software. Although their use is not widespread, it's important that every web developer becomes familiar with them, as they're sure to be an integral part of the web's future.
  • 50 Things To Do With Google Maps [That You Never Knew You Could]

    It shouldn't be any surprise to those used to the easy and flexible functionality of Google's products that Google Maps is good for a lot more than mapping the quickest route on your next road trip. Some uses of the technology are just for fun, but there are also many practical, real-life applications that can make your life on and off the Internet easier.
  • 100 Best Software Apps And Resources For Video Blogging Success

    If you're looking for new ways to use that video camera you got last Christmas or just want to spice up your blog a little, consider starting up a video blog. Video blogging, or vlogging as it's sometimes called, is the next step in getting what you have to say out there for everyone to see. It isn't for the shy however, as you'll no longer be able to hide behind all that text, and the whole world will know just what you look and sound like. Think you're ready to get started or to improve your video blog? Here are 100 tools and resources to get you on the road to video blogging success.
  • Twitter Toolset: 50+ Guides, Hacks & Scripts

    Twitter lets users create profiles so that friends, family, fans or loyal readers have the ability to see updates on what they're up to via the web, email, or even their mobile phones. Twitter's mobility and easy-to-use interface are great features, but there are ways that users can make Twitter an even more useful and interactive tool. Here are more than 50 plug-ins, add-ons and other tools that can help you improve your Twitter experience.
  • The Ultimate Guide to Blog Usability: 32 Tips & Resources

    Everyone loves to blog: CEOs, Web geeks, fashionistas, and even gardening grandmas. Blogging provides an outlet for those wanting to promote their businesses, publicize their political, social, or professional analyses, or to just meet other people like themsleves who share similar interests and lifestyles. But what good is your blog if no one wants to read it? To help attract more readers to your blog, we've generated a list of 36 tips and resources for you to implement in order to ensure maximum usability. If your blog is easy and fun to visit, you'll notice more readers flocking to your site.
  • The YouTube Cheat Sheet: 25 Creative Ways to Integrate YouTube on Your Site

    The magic of YouTube is no longer a secret. Everyone from Scandinavian teenagers to Australian grandmothers are uploading and viewing off-the-wall videos of themselves rapping, skateboarding, singing, or doing parodies. If you'd like to join the YouTube craze, try integrating relevant videos onto your blog or Web site. Here are 25 creative ways to do it.