Tag: Resources
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How to Homebrew Wii Games: 37 Tips, Tutorials and Resources
Certainly you've heard that fully integrated Wii homebrews are in the near future, but did you know that developers are already homebrewing for the Wii? Through the Internet Channel, you can play Flash and Javascript games, and yes, even make your own. So if you've spent all your money on a bidding war to get the Wii and you're out of cash for games, follow this guide to some of the best Wii homebrew resources out there.
Stolen content is perhaps one of the most infuriating things that can happen to a content creator. Whether a spam… Read More...Take it Back! 100 Tips to Defeat Content Thieves
Web designers often concern themselves with optimizing sites for spiders from Google, Yahoo, and other search engines, but pay little attention to creating sites that real people can use. This problem has sparked a movement towards user-centered web design, a topic that covers accessibility, web standards, and interfacing. Check out these blogs for the latest and greatest in this people-centric field of design.Top 100 User-Centered Blogs
Your rankings don't just depend on how good your site is. They depend on the quality of your competitors' sites as well. As a result, keeping an eye on your competition should be a regular part of every webmaster's tactical plan. Use these 25 tools to get the lowdown on their sites.Webmaster Intel Basics: 25 Tools to Compile an In-Depth Dossier on a Competitors' Site
For those just getting started in Web development, the options and information out there can seem overwhelming. While this may be so, it's truly an asset to be able to have access to limitless choices. You will, however, need to choose a place to begin learning all the things you don't know. Whether you have a basic knowledge of Web development or are a complete newbie, here are 50 guides that can help you to learn and expand your knowledge so that you can build more successful and accessible sites.Top 50 Guides for New Web Developers
Everyone loves to blog: CEOs, Web geeks, fashionistas, and even gardening grandmas. Blogging provides an outlet for those wanting to promote their businesses, publicize their political, social, or professional analyses, or to just meet other people like themsleves who share similar interests and lifestyles. But what good is your blog if no one wants to read it? To help attract more readers to your blog, we've generated a list of 36 tips and resources for you to implement in order to ensure maximum usability. If your blog is easy and fun to visit, you'll notice more readers flocking to your site.The Ultimate Guide to Blog Usability: 32 Tips & Resources 50+ Ways for Web Workers to Bring in More Business
Sometimes when you work at home, you don't get the networking and person-to-person exposure you otherwise would. But that doesn't mean that you're at a disadvantage. There are plenty of ways web workers can bring in more business, and many require very little effort. Here are more than 50 ways you can get started on bringing in all the new clients and new business you can handle.
Many individuals and business are doing their part to help the environment by using more energy efficient electronics, printing less, and recycling more. Yet it's hard to be truly environmentally friendly when your web servers are emitting CO2 around the clock to keep your website up and running. In this article, however, we highlight a few hosting companies that have taken the pledge to go green.Green Hosting: 11 Carbon Neutral Hosting Alternatives Holiday Cash: 50+ Ways to Optimize Your Website for Christmas Conversions
The Christmas shopping season is upon us, and retailers both online and off are enjoying heavy sales. You need to get a piece of the pie, and optimizing your site is the best way to do it. Take these actions to turn your website into a Christmas cash cow.The Web Worker's Stress Busting Toolbox: 50 Tips to Improve Your Life
Many Web employees work from the comfort of their own home and don't even have to get out of their comfy PJs to go to work if they don't feel like it. But that doesn't mean working on the Web isn't stressful from time to time. Online projects pile up and deadlines loom just like they do for those working in an office. They've also got the added stress of sometimes unreliable Web hosting and no IT department to fix a troublesome PC. So how can you beat the stress of day-to-day Web work? The following are 50 ways you can become happier and healthier by reducing the stress in your life.