Author: Adam Wood
Adam is a technical writer who specializes in developer documentation and tutorials.
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<td nowrap>
NOWRAP indicates that text should not wrap in the cell.<textarea name="">
Adds a name attribute to a <textarea> element and associates the name with the text added to the text area.<textarea cols="">
Specifies the visible width of a <textarea> element in average character widths. Defaults to 20 if not specified.<textarea wrap="">
Determines whether or not submitted text wraps when a <textarea> is included in a form submission.<textarea disabled>
Disables the entry of text into a <textarea> element.<textarea tabindex=""">
Sets the position of a <textarea> element in the tab order.<textarea onKeyPress="">
Adds an event listener to a <textarea> element which executes JavaScript scripting when an onKeyPress event occurs.<tr align="">
Sets the horizontal alignment for the contents of each <td> element in a table row.<tr background="">
Identifies the URL of a file to be used as a background image for a table row.<tr bordercolor="">
Sets the border color for all inside borders of a table row.<ul type="">
Was used to set list types.<img name="">
Identified the image or provided additional information about it. Deprecated in HTML 4.0 in favor of other attributes.<img longdesc="">
Defines a URL at which can be found more information about the image. It was written out of the HTML5 specification, but its status is not quite so clear as other deprecated features.<img align="">
Was previously used to specify the alignment and placement of an image relative to the surrounding text. It has been deprecated and should not be used.<img hspace="">
Previously used to add horizontal space on both side of an image. It is now deprecated.<img ismap>
Identifies an image as a server-side image map. When the containing anchor link is clicked, the coordinates of the mouse will be included in the request.<img usemap="">
Specifies a client-side image map to be used with the image.<img lowsrc="">
Specified a smaller or lower-quality version of an image.