Author: Claire Broadley
Claire is seasoned technical writer, editor, and HTML enthusiast. She writes for and runs a content agency, Red Robot Media.
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<param value="">
Specifies the parameter value.<param name="">
Specifies the parameter name.<p clear="">
Was used to force a paragraph to appear below sibling elements rather than next to sibling elements within a parent element.<option value="">
Defines the data sent to the server when a form option item is selected.<ol start="">
Defines the starting number in an ordered list.<ol type="">
Specifies the type of list marker that should be used on each item of an unordered list.<multicol width="">
The <multicol> element is deprecated, and should not be used. Claire Broadley Claire is seasoned technical writer, editor, and HTML… Read More...<applet vspace=""> HTML Attribute
Was used to specify the amount of whitespace that should appear above and below an embedded <applet> element. Applets and the vspace attribute have been deprecated.<form onReset="">
Runs a script when the Reset button is clicked.<form onSubmit="">
Runs a script when the Submit button is clicked.<form name="">
The `name` attribute is deprecated when used with the `form` element. Use `id` instead.<button tabindex="">
Determines the order of selection when the tab key is used.<button onClick="">
Runs a script when a button is clicked.<body onFocus="">
Fires a script when the visitor focuses on the current page.<body onUnload="">
Fires a script when the visitor leaves the page.<body onLoad="">
Fires a script when the page has finished loading.